_BeCaUsE oF yOU_*

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Hi I'm Eloi

Hello my name is Eloi, I'm 16 years and I've studied in IES Vallvera since 2003 my prefer matiries are ciensce and biology, I thing I'm a good student. I love animals my prefer animal is the horse, I've riden horses since 2000. In my free time I go to a caffe with my friends we talk about allot of things.I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and allot of cousins too

3 comentarios:

iReNe & cRiS dijo...


You need a photos with me =)!!

i love you sapooo =D!

nORA. dijo...

oh my God... I love you, and I love your blog,, all off this pictures are very precious, but the picture in tour eiffel,, is more lovely than the others!
Eloi,,, you already know it, but my life without you IS NOTHING!!!!!

I love youu...
my friend...
my BEST friend!!

lidia dijo...

Hi Eloi!
I agree with all your friends. Your blog is really nice. I was wondering if you yourself drew your friends. I could recognize Nora, Cristina T., ...

My best FrIeNdS_^^

My best FrIeNdS_^^
this are all of my best friends, without they my live is very boring. but in this foto there isn't one the most importan friend for me, Irene

GrAnUtEtA & SaPiTô _tQ

GrAnUtEtA & SaPiTô _tQ
you are very important for me and you now it, without you I don't now how to live

My favourite place.

My favourite place is Aruba; it’s a very beautiful island, it’s situated at the north of Caracas (Venezuela) in the Caribbean archipelago. This island is so beautiful for me, because the beaches are very clean with crystalline water and the weather is always good too.

Another reason for going to the island is visiting my cousin. She went there last year and I’m looking forward to seeing him again. So, as soon as I can. I will go.
I love the people who live there. They’re very different from us, they’re more relaxed and very nice, when you have a problem the help you. Aruba hasn’t got many buildings, there aren’t a lot of flats or houses or hotels.

At Christmas it’s more beautiful because in the cities there are a lot of lights, but everything isn’t possible, there isn’t any snow. Aruba, a beautiful island with very nice people and very beautiful beaches.